eBAY Bolan Auctions-Direct Link
EBay's reputation is already well known - one of the best - It is amazing to see all the Marc related items for sale here (sometimes upwards of 100-150 items) I check it every daye - just be careful with anything that is listed as "signed, autographed etc." from reports done by the experts most are not real!! But if you are looking for "Born to Boogie" on VCR you will eventually find it there besides the many rare (and x-pensive) items -what more can we saye than BUYER BEWARE!!
and remember if you are even thinking of buying (what looks to be about 80% forgeries)a Bolan autograph we are here with x-perts to help you verify the item -just write us- EBay is a grand place for those many long sort after out of print Cd's/ Lp's pix s etc. You want a REAL Bola Autogrpah go through a Proper Auction house
4UTODAY Auction -direct Link
Not nearly as active as Ebay but sometimes this is a good thing, I have seen some gems on there sold for a fraction of what they would have on ebay
Amazon Auctions (use search)
You can follow our link into their Auction section but Amazon keeps other sites from making direct links so you just have to go to "advance search" and put Marc's name in. They usually have about 10 -20 items at any given time.