Twickenham Times 1998
The newspaper article that gives the true origin of how & who began the project of making the Barnes Tree a safer and prettier place for the Fans to sit in quiet and feel their connection to Marc
Tiller Directory
A directory for some of the "Core" members of the list Included are photo's, general info and the ever popular "Fingerprint Files" (have a look to see)as well as Birthday Listings.
**Marc Bolan Questions ? **
One of the most Popular page on the site You have a Question about Marc you can't find an answer for? Look no further. Fill in the form hit "send" -this is for non-members as well & rest assured one of the Gang will find the answer for you -areas covered-
Marcs Biography - Discography Poetry -Media -Memorabilia -Television Shows
"Bolan Graffiti Wall"
Well I must start by saying the search engine "Google Rocks", besides they have archived all the oldnewsgroups from way back in the Dejanews days they also have achives of what sites looked like (at times we would like to forget in some cases ;-) -But this is a treat this was a page Russ and I did -one of our first called the "Bolan Grafitti Wall" - and it was still on Googles cache. A bit of Boley Fun and as alwayes abow to Russ's wonderful designs. I might start it up and running again
Ivan In China - The year 2002 the Place "The GREAT WALL" China. A Very x-citing Picture for all Tillers & Bolan Fans. Our Dear "original" Tiller (and gentle soul) Ivan spent most of July in China helping with an English program for his work. While there (Lets hope one of the first words they learned was "Marc Bolan" , Ivan brought along the very 1st Till Dawn T-Shirt and wore it while visiting the "Great Wall"
Marc Shines-"Light of Love"
Link to still one of my favourite graphic designs on the Bolan net. I was honored to have had my dear friend help design this visually dazzling (this time truly keeping in the spirit of Marc's song) - "Light of Love"- page
Welcome to TillDawn
I still keep this page up - sometimes it's hard to part with treasures from the beginnings of Till dawn.
T.Rex Word Puzzle
Yup, just what it says a T.Rex Word puzzle. Just a bit of Boley fun though you do have to know your stuff to fill it in. There are a few levels. (thanx to our Ruzz)
ODE to Till Dawn
A most beautiful Poem written by our Sverre about his feeling about being on T.D.
Barnes Tree/Flowers
Read and see pictures from the simpler days when our list first started the Tree Tidying up and planting of flowers.
Tillers Memorial Wreath
On the 20/50 through donations on Till dawn we were able to place a most beautiful wreath at the "memorial Stone".
Till Dawn/ Trex List's Wreath
- The year 2001 the Place "Golders Green". The event The Till Dawn list & Trex List have a joint collection for a wreath
to place at Marc's final resting place on the 2001 anniversary of his Passing.
Tiller Maps
Probably could use some updating with the many new members we have but still it nice to see on a map how Global a list we are & what Countries some of the gang come from.
Tiller Talent
Simple enough the many Talents of the members linked on this page from artwork, Poems, stories etc.